About Us
We came up with the idea for our online shop because more and more divers from all over the world wanted to buy diving accessories from us. There is only quick processing if customers can order diving products in the web shop www.sidemountshop.de.
An important addition for our customers. We also have four web shops available for our customers.
Why four more webshops for diving equipment?
Of course, it takes a lot of work to keep the offers on the websites up to date and to maintain regular contact with our customers. But experience has shown that many divers are looking for special diving accessories. Diving sports items from special manufacturers.
So if someone has decided on a diving wing from Halcyon DIR Dive Systems, then they would also like a signal buoy from Halcyon as a follow-up. Or a diver has an Ocean Management Systems sidemount adapter and is looking for an OMS wing system to optimally use both. The same principle also applies to SeaYa underwater lights.
For this purpose, we have created special web shops that only deal with the products, i.e. specialized web shops. This makes it easier to find diving accessories and a better shopping experience for our customers. In addition, in order to optimize pricing for our customers, we can purchase larger quantities at lower prices.
A list of webshops and specialized webshops: